What is Ais Tingkap Penang?

The best time when I am going holiday is try something different! Whatever it is as long as it so sweet and cold in the hot weather, it will make my day is wonderful. I bet you are wonder about the title what is Ais Tingkap on my Traveler journal. After long time I never update because I am little busy with something project. I am back with the biggest question in the title! What is ais tingkap Penang?

Ais Tingkep in Penang is window sherbet. It has reason why the name is ais tingkap. Do you want to know a little story about it? Once upon a time, seller who sell ice behind the “tingkap” (window) and the buyers who buy ice from the window’s seller said ice tingkap (window sherbet) and then that name of this ice become famous until now. Long time ago, style stall in Penang, Malaysia the design is like that. The famous ais tingkap in Penang located in Tamil Street because this business already 3 generations. Where is the business start around 1928 until now and the recipe is giving father to son. So, they can continue the family business. That is why the window sherbet in Tamil Street is very famous. The stall located along Tamil Street beside Chowrasta Market, remember! Try to taste it, O.K!

Do you wonder right? Let’s me tell you little bit about how to preparation of Ais Tingkap or English name Sherbet Drink which this culinary is must to try when visit Penang, Malaysia! The first time fill a glass with shaved ice and liquid sugar. Then, spray with fragrant herbs and root mixture, add the spoonful of syrup made of rose essence and sugar water. Almost finished, after the seller add a spoonful each of tee of soaked ingredients (biji selasih, kembang semangkuk and getah anggur).


I bet you are more wonder about it! Biji selasih is mean basil seeds. Kembang semangkuk, how to explain, it is like bloay in a cup’ because when soaked for about an hour. Then it is like skin and bloats into jelly texture. The last, getah anggur is olibanum gum - a type of resin obtained from a tree bark in India. This needs to be soaked for a day and it will bloat into a transparent, jelly-like mass.

So this drink so interested right! It fabulously refreshing which adds rose essence, coconut water, a bit of sugar syrup, fresh coconut water, tender “young coconut” meat, a dash of herbs and — most unusual of all — soaked basil seeds, which form a gelatinous coating around their crunchy center. For the simple sentences hihi. Honestly, I like to drink it after getting wet playing in Escape outdoor activities. The price is not so expensive. A glass of Ais Tingkap Penang (sherbet ice Pinang) around 2 RM or in Indonesia around 7,000 IDR. You can get fresh drink and sweet to refresh the day.

Be traveler as the way you are



  1. Hadduuuuh es selasihnya itu loh, segeeer bangeeeet, jadi pengin minum es nih

  2. oohh baru tau ada es Tingkap ini ya. dulu waktu saya tinggal di Malaysia pernah minum es yang pakai serutan es namanya ABC, ais batu campur hehhe

    nice story kakak :-)

  3. Keren euy ini postingannya pakai bahasa Inggris. Huhuhu..saya ngerti ala kadarnya aja ini. Sambil lihat foto-foto tentunya :)

  4. Hahaha, lucu ya namanya. Padahal di Indonesia juga banyak tuh kayak gitu! :)

  5. Hmm now i know what's the story behind this ais tingkap beverage. For sure i will taste it when i visit Penang island again.

  6. NIce story, mba. Hope someday i can go there ;)

  7. Namanya lucu, hehe. Boleh nih dicoba kalau jalan-jalan ke Penang. Esnya menggoda.

  8. Menjelang puasa jadi ngiler liat postingan berbau-bau es...Kayaknya enak ini es nya. Ingat puasa dua tahun lalu, sempat nginap beberapa hari di Johor menikmati kuliner di situ, tapi karena lidah orang Indonesia asli, memang kuliner Indonesia is the best lah... hehehe...*muji negara sendiri boleh kan?

  9. Kak.
    Aku pusing bacanya :(

    Tapi aku baca ulang ya.
    Kupahami secara perlahan

  10. Looks like yu are having so much fun there. Love the drink! looks yuuum

  11. Aku malah baru tahu ada Ais Tingkap. Pas baca pertamanya udah aroma-aroma Upin dan Ipin hehe. Mereka berdua tuh yang sering banget makan ais. 😁

  12. Januari tahun depan aku ke penang mbak, jadi pengen nyobain makanannya :D

  13. I got what you mean, thank you for posting. Woh I am lucky to
    find this website through google.

  14. Udah sampai ke penang ya selasih.. Aku jadi ingat minuman es cincau selasih mba, hhmmm seggeeerrr
